Immersive Learning Experiences for Surgical Procedures
Young-Woon Cha, Mingsong Dou, Rohan Chabra, Federico Menozzi, Andrei State, Eric Wallen, MD, and Henry Fuchs
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, (Medicine Meets Virtual Reality / NextMed (MMVR) 22), April, 2016


This paper introduces a computer-based system that is designed to record a surgical procedure with multiple depth cameras and reconstruct in three dimensions the dynamic geometry of the actions and events that occur during the procedure. The resulting 3D-plus-time data takes the form of dynamic, textured geometry and can be immersively examined at a later time; equipped with a Virtual Reality headset such as Oculus Rift DK2, a user can walk around the reconstruction of the procedure room while controlling playback of the recorded surgical procedure with simple VCR-like controls (play, pause, rewind, fast forward). The reconstruction can be annotated in space and time to provide more information of the scene to users. We expect such a system to be useful in applications such as training of medical students and nurses.

Young-Woon Cha, Mingsong Dou, Rohan Chabra, Federico Menozzi, Andrei State, Eric Wallen, MD, and Henry Fuchs